Designed to mimic El Lissitzky’s Russian Constructivism style; layouts, colors, shapes, and graphic elements have been created to resemble aspects of his work. Two other designers have been compared based on cultural factors, styles and defining characteristics of design elements.

Design and organization of this infographic was based on El Lissitzky's Russian Constructivism style. Black, red and tan colors along with rough texture, blocky text, iconic shapes, and geometric layouts build a strong relationship between his work and this comparative infographic.
Infographic sketch

Figuring out how to include all of the information in a clean, easy to read, and Russian Constructivism way was not easy. Certain elements were reduced in size while others were removed. Creating a vertical layout, breaking up the middle ,and ending with darker shapes at the bottom provided a good eye flow.
Similar to the infographic, this timeline was designed to mimic El Lissitzky’s Russian Constructivism style. Working off of his Proun and three-dimensional style, the idea here was to create a circular repetitive shape with grid lines. The main unifying factor between the five designers is the overlapping years of practice.

Similar to the infographic, design and organization of this infographic was based on El Lissitzky's Russian Constructivism style. Black, red and tan colors along with rough texture, blocky text, iconic shapes, and geometric layouts build a strong relationship between his work and this timeline graphic.
Timeline sketch

The spiral idea came out of trying to do something very different. El Lissitzky's Proun designs and 3D style were very futuristic for the time. Working to try and complete something difficult, I decided to attempt a spiral time line. Placement, rules, and spacing were a must. In the end, colorizing elements and removing some images allowed for better readability. All in all, this sketch was fun to organize.